Tuesday, March 31, 2009

writting articles

Some believe that Internet marketing revolves around content. With the lack of one-to-one approach in the virtual marketing arena, the internet solely depends on creating traffic through words that attract people. The need for good content by good articles is enormous. Websites are filled with all sorts of various content.

Have you ever wondered why articles are so important? Articles are one way of ensuring your website climbs up the search engines. The reason why is because people search for information online. The websites that have more useful content are the ones that are ranked higher in search engines like Google. The reason why search engines concentrate and appreciate good content is because they want to give people what they are looking for.

So how do you get articles?
Articles don’t just appear from thin air. The webmasters looking for articles have to either write the articles themselves or they will have to pay for them. The problem is that most website owners may not have enough skill to write these articles in a way that attracts readers or even if they have the skill, may not have any time. That’s when they look for ways to get new articles for their website.

That is exactly the reason why if you can write articles it is a great way of making money online. Saying that, it would help to know how to make money online doing just that. There are several ways you can choose to do this. The first one, and probably the easiest, is to write articles for the article submission sites.

What Are Article submission sites?
There are several of these article submission sites, which accept articles and pay for them. There is Constant Content that pays you when your articles are sold. The amount that you get paid varies anywhere between $3 to $200 per article. It is very obvious that the articles that pay a higher amount are more in depth, informative, and longer.

How to Contact top websites
A second way is a little more time consuming when compared to the first, however, you will need to contact the website owners directly and offer to write unique content specifically for them. Many website owners would love to hire someone to do articles for them, even if it costs more, because they want unique content. If you work at this, you can land yourself one contract and do a good job, and then the word of mouth is enough to land you many other projects.

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